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In the first half of the 20th century, authors published printed spanking fetish stories (spanking novels) that featured spanking illustrations which were drawn by artists such as Louis Malteste. Many of these were published in France — see early 20th century French spanking literature. The spankees in these stories and illustrations inlcude both minors and adults.
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F/f Spanking
Looking for more F/f Spanking? Be sure to view F/f Gallery and enjoy various vintage photos showing erotic domestic discipline, females in lingerie spanking each other, schoolgirls punished by their teachers, mothers, older sisters, spanking as fun and spanking as disciplinarion measures.
For more Vintage Spanking Artworks from various artists visit Vintage Erotic Art Museum.
Some artists presented here: Luc Lafnet & MiraK , Georges Topfer, Wighead, Leon Roze, Louis Malteste