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Vintage Spankings Vintage Spankings Vintage Spankings
Vintage Spankings Vintage Spankings  


The cane is an attribute used a lot in vintage spanking photographs.


It is a special collection, very hard to put together since there is very little info to be found on vintage fetish models (except of course the famous Bettie Page ofcourse).


Vintage schoolgirl discipline, browse some very special collections dating back till before 1900.


How many positions can there be connected to spanking? There is corner time ofcourse, and time to reflect, but also ways to present to get spanked. View different positions, a nice collection that leaves something to your imaginiation.


Spanked at the Office, it was very hard to add vintage photos to this collection, so it is a small, but very special collection.


Perhaps the most used attrubute in spanking, browse some various collections with M/f and F/f caning photos.


One of the very first vintage spanking photo collection I built showed the use of a birch, I managed to add some more. It is a special collection with some rare photos.


Used in domestic discipline the hairbrush cannot be forgotten ofcourse.