Why can't I access all the content here?
This project is a special, but very time consuming project. See it as a musem, it has taken me years to built up the collection as it is now, it is a unique collection you won't find elsewhere. Do you expect any museum to open their doors for free? I don't, I respect the efforts curators made to present a nice collection of art and I know my money will enable them to continue their work. Same goes for me, your subscriptions allow me to keep this site online, cover the hosting and bandwidth costs and invest time to go back in time and bring more vintage treasures for you to discover.
Questions concerning access to all content/having donated
I purchased a membership. How do I login and view all content ?
Once you've completed the payment process for this site the page you were on should automatically reload to show you the content that you've paid for. At that point, you're logged in to Tinypass and your subscription is valid, so you're done!
If you return to the site and it's still asking you to pay, please click on the "Already purchased" or "Sign in" link and log in with your Tinypass account. (for more info and printscreen view this page)
When you are still having trouble please visit: https://dashboard.tinypass.com/login and log into your account. You should see a record of your transactions and content you have purchased. Then simply click on the link to your content.
Still experiencing problems viewing the member content? Be sure to refresh your browser (Control F5) or delete your browser cookies.
How do I reset my password?
To reset your password go to: https://dashboard.tinypass.com/login/showResetPassword
Type in your email address and complete the security check. We will then send you an email with a link to reset your password.
How do I change my email adress?
To change your email address or password, simply login to your account at: https://dashboard.tinypass.com/login
Then click the drop down menu in the top right corner of the screen and click "Account Settings." From there you can change your email address or password.
How do I cancel my subscription?
If you need to cancel a subscription, just head to dashboard.tinypass.com and log in with your Tinypass account. Click on "my library" and you will see a list of your subscriptions.
Then, just hover over the subscription you wish to cancel and click on the gear icon. Select 'Cancel subscription' and you're all set. You will receive a confirmation via mail when it's done.
How do I contact the site owner?
Use the contact form to get in touch with me