You are invited to support this site. There are two options to support:
- Become a member
- Give a membership as gift to anyone
Your donation allows me to keep this site online, pay for hosting fees and continue my search for new content to add.
Members (and of course those who receive membership as present as well) are rewarded with acces to rare, sensual and erotic fetish photos, some are over 120 years old. It is my goal to build nice collections with complete shoots and info on photographers or models.
All images are carefully selected, digital enhanced and only the best, or very unique, photos will make it to this site, you won't find a mixed bag of poor quality vintage fetish photos but collections built with lov for the vintage fetish era of photography.
Should you run into problems with login in, or signing up, use the contact form to get in touch with me, be sure to check the FAQ as well.