Charles Reutlinger
Charles Reutlinger (1819 - 1881) was, born as Carl Reutlinger. was one of the very first photographers.
He photographed many of the best-known artists, scientists, musicians and writers of his time. This elite group of photographers had studios on the boulevards à.la.mode, with photographs featured in the most prestigious newspapers and magazines, included the first society of "La Illustration", a weekly journal that catered to the concerns of the upper echelon of society.
Among these photographers were Gustave Gray, Eugene Disdéri, and the studio of Bertsch and Arnaud.
Around 1850 Charles founded the Reutlinger Studio, in 1880, Charles became ill and decided to turn his studio over to his brother Emile. Prior to his death in 1881, Charles Reutlinger was awarded many distinguishable credits. His brother, Emile, ran the studio until 1890, with little credits to his name.
Charles Reutlinger is most famous nowadays for his photographs of the rich and famous,but I found some very interesting shoots that can be seen as early fetish as well.
I hope you enjoy these albums, it took me some time to collect them.