Most famous is ofcourse Irving Klaw who produced many spanking photographs with Bettie Page as model. But spanking photography did not start there, you need to go back in time a bit more. Back to 1930 where Jacques and Charles Biederer started the Ostra Studio and produced fetish, bdsm and spanking photographs and movies.
At this site I will try to built up a small index with photographers of the past who made Fetish/Spanking/Bondage photographs, and share as much info as I can find about them. This info will be free to view for all visitors, you can enjoy a small free preview, to view the complete collections you need to become a premium member.
Click below on the names or photos to be redirected to the pages with bio and albums.
Click on images for a small preview, click on 'View page' or name of the photographers to open their pages with multiple photos and short bio.
As premium member you get full access to all photos at this site and to all photos at Vintage Spankings.
As member you can enjoy complete collections from single vintage shoots as well as mixed collections, all photos in large formats.
All images carefully selected so only the best quality will find its way to this site.
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Fetish Comics
Vintage Erotic Art
I Draw Pain
FemDom Art
Spanking Art in Vintage Books
Vintage Fetish Movies
Secrets Bdsm Art Gallery
Retro Bdsm
Vintage Spankings
Retro Nudes Erotika
Retro Spanking