Vintage Fetish Photography

Most famous is ofcourse Irving Klaw who produced many spanking photographs with Bettie Page as model. But spanking photography did not start there, you need to go back in time a bit more. Back to 1930 where Jacques and Charles Biederer started the Ostra Studio and produced fetish, bdsm and spanking photographs and movies, other more famous names were: Charles Guyette and Yva Richard.

But there have been many more photographers who's photographic journey led them through several themes we nowadays would consider being fetish, or fetish related.
I spent a lot of time browsing through the works of the old masters trying to built up a special collection of their work reflecting fetish. Go to Photographers and be surprised by some photographers you might not have expected of being able to capture this special theme. Visit the models page and learn some more about the brave dames who dared to pose for those photographers. And don't forget to check out the gallery with the works from anonymous photographers, and see the page with various fetishes for an overview of several fetish themes.

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